mardi 19 mai 2009

Un message de P5C!

Mme Burns et sa classe sont un message pour vous!

1 commentaire:

P5 and CM2B a dit…

Bonjour! CM2B we are class P5C from Law Primary School and we live in a seaside town called North Berwick. We think North Berwick is a fantastic place to live! You can go down to the beach on a sunny day and there are lots of hills and countryside nearby for you to explore. One of the hills is called the Law and it is right beside our school.

Even though we all live in North Berwick or close by now, we have moved here from places such as Australia, America, other places in Scotland, England and Ireland. Some of our parents moved here from Edinburgh, England, Australia, America, and Wales.

Now you know a bit about us, what about you? Do you come from any other places apart from France? What is it like in a French school? What do frogs legs and escargot taste like? Do you learn about Scotland at school? We hope you can answer our questions.
Au revoir, P5C x